Saturday, June 25, 2011

Maxx and Godiva

We could never turn away a cat in need, and these 2 kittens were placed in a plastic bag and thrown in the street like garbage. They were only a few weeks old and still nursing. They had to be bottle fed regularly. They stayed in my brother's room and bless his heart, he took turns with us feeding them and cleaning them.

It's not easy caring for kittens this young so our family took turns based on our schedules. We named the female, Godiva and the male kitten, Maxx. We were so glad that these two took to the feeding bottle like pros! We were sure then that they were going to make it.

Maxx and Godiva became inseparable, they played together and got into mischief together. Maxx has now outgrown Godiva. But he is such a gentle soul, other than scratching the kitchen door to death, he's very laid back and very sweet. Godiva, on the other hand, although still small likes to get her way. She's quite a feisty girl.
So whoever decided to treat them like trash didn't know that he was throwing away someone else's treasure.


  1. bless you for helping these babies!!!!!! they are treasures :)
